Tuesday 12 June 2012

An effort at a comic book page

Those who have known me for some years now, will know that I've always been drawing little comic stories. None of these have been published, in fact most are unfinished, having never got much beyond the inking stage.

Anyway, with a bit more time on my hands of late, I felt it was time to step up to the plate and actually see a project through to its conclusion, particularly with colouring and lettering. So to ease me into it, I've started work on a serial - like comics of old (Flash Gordon, Terry and The Pirates, Send for Kelly etc). The aim is to draw and colour one comic book page a week (or two if i'm feeling really confident) and post it online. I'm hoping between late June and late September to have started off a story of about twelve to sixteen pages.

Lettering digitally was something I'd never tried before, but a friend of mine recommended Blambot - a website with specially designed fonts just for comics and cartoon strips. What's more, a number are free to download - provided you acknowledge Blambot (Thank You, Nate Piekos).  So after downloading a couple of free fonts, I was away.

Anyway, here's a preview - the story is a reworking of my final Foundation project, using the same Anubis character, but this time placing him into South Dakota and hitching him up with an English guy driving across America to San Diego. It isn't a final work - I still need to add highlights and clean up some of the bleed areas and I still want to play around with the lettering a bit more -  but it should give the gist of my work. It's a bit small - but that's partly due to the file size, so please forgive me.

That's all for this week.

The Blambot website is


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