Thursday 26 April 2012


Life seems to get in the way of everything and the best laid plans always seem to slip away. My intention to post on a weekly basis hasn't yet come to fruition, partly because of college commitments and partly due to some personal issues.

Thankfully college has now finished for the summer and I'm suddenly finding myself with a lot more free time, so hopefully  I should be posting a little more regularly in the near future.

Firstly I guess its fair to see a little of my work of late. Most of my self generated study centres around character designs, particularly of animals. A selection below of recent drawings will probably demonstrate my style.

This was a random sketch of a jogging possum - I'm not sure why - perhaps it's their rotund shape which made me think they were in need of a bit of exercise.

Weasels and stoats are some of my favourite animals and I thought it would be funny to dress this guy in skinny jeans.

Have a good weekend and I'll be back with my first thoughts on a classic illustrator, the imitable Ronald Searle, who sadly passed away late last year.

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